Privacy Policy

“The Guild” is a mobile application, hereafter referred to as “the App” developed by PASKAN. It is a companion for the Guild suite of software products and services subscribed by membership based service and for profit organisations, hereafter referred to as “Organisation”.

Detailed below are our policies with reference to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. Download, instal or use any services offered here only if you agree to the data collection and use of information as described in this policy. The Personal Information collected is used for providing services as you have subscribed while becoming a member of the Organisation.

Although the App is distributed free of charge, access to data is restricted using access credentials created by the member on the Organisation’s website. Information provided are shared with all other members of the Organisation who have installed the App.

Apart from the data provided by you for sharing with other members such as your name, phone number, email address, residence address, business address, blood group, date of birth, wedding day and positions held by you in the Organisation, your Organisation officials may also input your information in accordance with your membership or association with the Organisation.

At most care is taken to ensure personal data of members is not shared with anyone outside Organisation’s network of membership. Dummy data is used by non-Organisation employees to test the App. Since the test area is also used for training of officers, they might input data of other members during training. Such information may get exposed to other testers, trainers and trainees.

Apps distributed on App Store/Play Store is required to provide user account and password to Apple/Google for testing and approving. This is for the safety of users. Since our test database may have unintentionally fed with personal information by a trainees during classroom training, such data may get exposed to Apple/Google employees or automated systems who are responsible to audit the App.

Like any software system, the App has a system of logging errors and exceptions. In most cases such logs do not carry user specific data. For investigating certain errors specific to a user, the App may log data along with the error. Logs are also protected from unauthorised access. Logs are exposed to software developers for fixing issues.

The App does neither have advertising providers nor collect usage data for advertising. Limited usage data may be collected for performance assessment and improvements to the App.

If you do not want us to share your personal data (even when anonymized) and your organisation is refusing to honor your request, you can send an email stating your request to

Our Mobile applcicatin and website are not intended for children under 16 years. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under 16 without parental consent. No one under age 16 may provide any personal data to or on our Website. If we learn we have collected or received personal data from a child under 16 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that personal data. If you believe we might have any personal data from or about a child under 16 agaist this policy, please contact us at

PASKAN is headquartered in Kochi, in India. If you have any questions about PASKAN's privacy protection policies or practices, please contact us at

We review the policy from time to time. Please check frequently to review updates.

Effective from 1-Jul-2020, last revised on 1-Nov-2022.